Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Moose Have Cookie!

I’ve taken a little flack lately. “What have you been doing?”, “Why haven’t you posted in a while?”, and a few others related questions. Well I’ve been busy on a few projects, cookie projects to be exact!


Recently I traveled to Kananaskis, Alberta where every single store I entered sold some sort of Moose paraphernalia. It wasn’t enough to sell a simple T-shirt with a cute moose on it, but they had to add a all sorts of moose captions as well; for example:Moosey Eatermoose hug

And thus you see how I came up with my very clever title!  All that mooseing around got me to thinking. “I need to make a moose cookie for my Dad!”. The Boss and I were heading to my home to celebrate the Canadian Thanksgiving and I wanted to bring something home to my family that was both relevant to my family and that highlighted some of the fun new things I’ve been experimenting with for the bakery! Here’s what they got!

IMG_2181IMG_2200In return, some members of the family thought it would be fun to “animate” my Moose! Thus what follows is the story of the moose, as told in pictures by my family!



We had a great time at home for Thanksgiving, and the moose helped himself to the pie!  If only he had cleaned up after himself too..

Thanks for reading.


Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

These look so yummy and great photos of the moose story! The sticker is very very cool and very professional :) Reminded me to share with you my last creation the "Wonder Cake". Looking fwd to your next posts :)

Christi said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I love the moose cookie and the animation! Very clever and funny!

Alli said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Moose are one of my favorite wild animals. Your moose cookie is very cute and I love his pie adventure. I've missed your posts, hope to see more soon

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I'm guessing that even if he didn't clean up, his droppings were probably also delish!

Mayan said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

lol.. the animation is hilarious

Keith said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Love the moose! Did you like K country?

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