Thursday, November 3, 2011

Business Cookies

To begin, this post is WAY WAY over due and I apologize. But in my opinion it is never too late for cookies! So the story goes like this:


The Boss was invited to a symposium to present on technologies, technologies now vs. upcoming technologies, and whatever else technology people would present on. As you might have guessed, I’m not really “up” on all the in’s and out’s of the technologies of the ANT+ company (cookies pictured above), but what I am pretty aware of is how cool the employee’s of ANT+ are, and I think they think I’m alright too since they said I could tag along with my man!

Since I’m trying to get myself geared up to start taking on real orders for the Bakery, and only practice makes perfect, I decided that I needed to do some trial runs on cookie orders. Just how long would it take to make X number of decorated cookies. So I worked it out with my peeps of ANT+ that I could put my Bertie’s Bakery website sticker on the packaging and they would include the cookies in the welcome bags for all of their attendees! The thought behind this is that maybe one day someone who ate and enjoyed their ANT+ cookie might think of me when it comes to their next corporate events! Anyone, anyone??

So here is what many many hours and 300+ cookies look like!

IMG_0557IMG_0562IMG_0570IMG_0572IMG_0573That was a lot of cookies! Chocolate chip cookies to be exact.

What do you think, would you appreciate receiving cookies from your company one day? Are you sick of getting pens, note pads, or mugs with your company’s logo on it? Believe me, chewing on these cookies is well above and beyond the satisfaction you get from chewing on your pen cap.


Mr. A said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Wow. I mean Wow. I can understand handing out sticker and doing other things but actually making the cookies even if he did help a bit you still went beyond what most people would do. Too bad for us we couldn't get any of these.

Christi said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

That is a great idea and you did a fabulous job. The cookies look yummy!

mllyswny said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I love corporate schwag and cookies would definitely be something that doesn't get thrown in a desk drawer for later use!

I'm curious -- how long DID it take?? And from the biz perspective, can you charge enough to make a little margin on them?

Molly @ the F-spot

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I'm impressed by how uniform they all are! I imagine writing ANT+ on each cookie had to have given you hand cramps!

Jirnsum said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Wow! Impressive sight!

Alanna said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Holy moly! That must have taken a lot of time, and and lot of bucks :) They look great!

julietcaesar said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I love these! For a future blog post, might you consider highlighting several of the books that you have found most helpful to your development as a baker? I would love to see what books helped you the most as a beginner, then as you transitioned to an advanced baker.

RoMoreno said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Meu marido era um dos participantes dessa convenção de tecnologia, e ele me trouxe um desses cookies ... uma delícia!!
Congratulations Bertie ... I loved it!!!

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