Lately I’ve been on a bit of a cupcake drought. Instead, I’ve been exploring another facet of bakery options… Cookies!
The last batch of cookies, although creative, were awful! Then, I toyed around this this recipe from Pioneer Women. Although they were good, they weren’t really really knock your socks off great. Side note: I don’t feel bad about saying this because most EVERYTHING this lady creates in the kitchen is fabulous!!
Anyways, like the saying goes “Third time’s the charm”. With a few tweaks of the PW’s recipe and a few additions… I created what The Boss said to be “possibly the best cookie that he has ever had”! While you might think “but he said Possibly”, I did give him immediate grief about his initial wording and then he retracted his words to rephrase with “Absolutely the best cookies he’s ever had!”
Since one day I hope to make the bakery a reality, I’m afraid to actually give away the recipe to my new creation!... Nobody will come to my shop! So the recipe will remain classified… in the mean time I will taunt you with the steps!
Please folks… use REAL vanilla and Real Butter!
My step by step, 1 handed egg break!
I would love to insert here, that if you DO NOT know how to break an egg with one hand, it is SO worth the time and $ (what… like $2) to buy a carton of eggs and just practice! Or if you get stuck with those last few eggs in the crate that have expired…PRACTICE! You feel like a rock star in the kitchen if your friends are around and you casually are in mid conversation using one hand for gestures and the other hand is cracking eggs!
Oh yeah!
Sorry… back to the cookies!
Get everything good and fluffy.
Here, I like to add the rest of the gang to the batter by simply adding the “dry ingredients” to the top of the fluff! I know that recipes often call to “mix dry ingredients in separate bowl; set aside”, but from my experience behind the mixer I can tell you that carefully plopping it on top of the creamed batter and then mixing it without drawing in the bottom parts, works just fine!
Mix it up, add plastic wrap, and refrigerate!
30 minutes later, scoop and platter…. Mmmm Try not to eat too much of the batter!
These bad boys didn’t last long around our parts, and hopefully they won’t last long at the shop either!
Thanks all for now! I have to go find some milk for my cookie!
That's exactly my problem, once I have put everything on the baking tray I have already eaten so much of the batter that there is not much left to bake!
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