Monday, November 29, 2010

Touched by India… Literally.

We have left the crowed streets of Bangkok and are now settled in in India. Having no idea what to expect from this Delhi / New Delhi place, I braced myself for whatever this city might have in store!

We started off the morning by meeting up with our city Guide. Initially I was not too excited that we had been assigned a “guide” for the day; In fact I was a little displeased as the Boss and I usually have very little problems wandering cities on our own. As the story continues you will understand that Ruby (our day guide) was without a doubt a necessity for our trip!


We started off at various mosques and tombs that were built hundreds of years ago for the Mogul Emperors. I found the architecture and symmetry of these buildings fascinating, and even more so when you factored in that the architects were without the technologies that we have today.

While I was wide eyed and taking in the sights, I couldn’t help but notice that other visitors seemed to be just as fascinated by me!?! Was there something on my face? My shirt?

lookinglooking2looking3looking4            (this bottom one is a favorite… the two boys in the middle)

Then there was a continuous steam of boys and girls alike who wanted to shake my hand or touch my bare arm?? Ruby (the day guide) told them to get lost, and then she explained to me that I was a young white girl, to which is not a common sight for them, and that they were just being foolish. “hmmmm” I thought, “surely this behavior is  only because they are school children , and I shouldn’t have any other problems throughout the day”…

So we moved on to another mosque, and then hired a bike taxi to take us through the crowed alleys of Delhi. IMG_4209IMG_4225

What started out as a lot of fun, ended up as frustrating experience. I just wanted to take pictures as we bumbled through the streets; mean while the people of the streets just wanted to touch me? Every time I rose my camera to my face to snap a pic, a local (male) from the crowd would run their finger/hand up the outside of my leg! I, needless to say, was livid! What am I supposed to do? Can women snap back in this country? Plus, we eventually have to turn around and go back out the same way… I would eventually be going right by those guys again!


Getting down from the bike was not an option, this would certainly cause a mob of beggars, hawkers, and pick-pocketers. After all it was actually more efficient to move through the crowd on this 3-wheeled contraption than by foot. So what did I do? Nothing. I hang my head and admit I did nothing in retaliation. Instead I kept my camera down and my eyes on the crowd ready to stare down anyone who looked suspicious. That seemed to work. Plus the Boss was also taking plenty of pictures.

As the day went on there were several more sights to be seen. But mostly what I will never forget, was some of the scenes of poverty. Surely there are some outstanding sights to be seen in India, but for a country of some 1billion people, there are going to be vast extremes. For this I was not prepared. IMG_4187IMG_4251IMG_4306begIMG_4307


After a long day we headed back to the hotel for the night. I was exhausted, but sleep did not come easy.

Tomorrow we head to the Taj Mahal. I hope for a better day.


Kevin said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Wow, your traveling looks like a BLAST. I wish I was there. Have fun.


Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

So this advice may be a little bit late, but one way to avoid the stares and the "touching" by random guys on the street is to wear long skirts or pants. You will definitely attract attention by wearing shorts, as most Indians are not used to seeing women bearing their legs.

Going with a private guide was a good idea - India is one of those places where it is really hard to wander by yourself without being annoyed by people wanting to sell you stuff. It looks like you had a great time.


FLATOUT JIM said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Hey Bertie, good to hear from you. Regarding Christmas.

The AQ usually closes for maintenance over christmas, and our masters club takes a bit of a break. I am not sure when our last workout is, but it is uaually the third week of December.

In the meantime, MUN pool is open, and that's where most members swim. Their schedule is online at

Send me an email at and I'll keep you updated.

CoachLiz said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

What an exciting set of travels!

đa said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

- Vị đạo hữu nào tới đây, cũng đừng giả thần giả quỷ nữa! Tại hạ là Thạch Phương Trưởng lão của Đại La Kiếm Tông, mong đạo hữu bước ra nói chuyện!

Thạch Phương trầm mặc một chút rồi quát lên. Hắn và lão già lùn nhìn sang nhau một cái, đều thấy vẻ ngạc nhiên ở trong mắt của đối phương.

Vừa rồi khi cơn gió thổi tới, gần như ngay lâp lập tức nhận ra, cái cảm giác mà luôn xuất hiện ngay từ khí bước chân vào Địa Ma Bắc giới đột nhiên nổi lên mãnh liệt hơn vô số lần. Cảm giác này lúc đầu chỉ như một con mãnh thú ở xa xa nhưng ngay lập tức mãnh thú này đã xuất hiện ngay trước mặt mình.
dong tam mu lậu cho thuê nhà trọ cho thuê nhà trọ nhạc sàn cực mạnh tư vấn pháp luật qua điện thoại công ty luật ở hà nội số điện thoại tư vấn pháp luật dịch vụ thành lập doanh nghiệp
Loại biến hoá kịch liệt này lập tức khiến cho Thạch Phương và lão già lùn tâm thần đại chấn.

Một đoàn bụi khí nồng đậm từ bên ngoài sơn cốc chậm rãi xuất hiện. Bụi khí nồng đậm này căn bản là không thấy được thật hư bên trong, nó phiêu phù ở bên ngoài sơn cốc.

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