Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Groom’s Cake

Well I have to say the ONE wedding detail that I was most proud of, just wasn’t able to make the trip! Combined, Ray, my sister, and I, lugged over 300lbs of luggage to the Dominican Republic! Unfortunately, this creation would have had to be carried on (or otherwise risk the chance of being destroyed by the friendly bag handlers) and with regulations and restrictions becoming tighter and tighter these days, in order to carry on this last detail would have meant that I was checking either the wedding gown or the sand dollars. Eventually, something had to get cut :(

So the Boss was nice enough to photograph the heck out of it which would allow me to still share it with you. Here you go!

Tuxedo Groom's Cake (1)

After creating my triathlon cake back in March I realized how sad some people were (including myself) that the cake was actually made out of foam! But that was the rules, and I just went with it! This time, I knew I had to make a cake that would withstand the test of time and not be so offensive as to be based on something I bought from the Home Depot! I hemmed and I hawed and finally I decided on something that I think everyone will accept!


This cake will more than likely never be eaten, however, I believe that anybody reading can appreciate the effort of enormous rice Krispy treat creations! Also this time I did not use plaster (also purchased from the Home Depot!), instead using a good friend to cake designers… royal icing! Basically a sugar based icing that hardens to a cement!


By now you might be wondering why there are in fact 2 cake bases (well, 2 sets of 3 layer cakes), and this is because I was actually going to make a “Bride and Groom” cake, and while this still is a possibility I have been fighting with the bride for several tries now over her dress (much like the internal battle I had with myself over my own wedding gown!!) She still might happen, but I’m not showing her off until I’m 100% satisfied!

So on with the Groom! I have been experimenting with different fondants over the last few months, and for this particular cake I decided to give the good ol’ Ace of Cakes fondant a try! IMG_8727IMG_8728

Once I sized everything up and successfully got the groom in his jacket, I was pretty pleased with the integrity of the black fondant and decided to go fourth! (You might wonder what I’m talking about with the “integrity” of the black fondant, but it is extremely difficult to color your own deep color fondants from a white base; especially black! You have to use so much gel color that the fondant eventually breaks down and is not tacky enough to hold together when laid over the cake edges!)

This fondant however worked, so I went with it!



Tuxedo Groom's Cake (2)Tuxedo Groom's Cake (4)Tuxedo Groom's Cake (5)Tuxedo Groom's Cake (9)

And that’s it for the grooms cake! I truly enjoyed making this cake, and can only hope that someday another bride wants a custom designed grooms cake for her Hubby-to-be!


Christi said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

That is a beautiful cake! I am so sorry it didn't get to make the trip but I certainly understand why!

Kris said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

That is an awesome cake. Can't wait to see the bride version!

Alli said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I love this!!! You're so awesome, Bobster, I cannot wait to work on an idea with you :)

MMV said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Very creative cake :)

David C said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Very talented.

The Boyds said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Fancy! You never cease to amaze me with your creativity skills. Maybe you could come to TC and do a demo for the culinary classes!!

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I didn't realize you got married in the DR! I lived there for a couple of years. What part of the country?

Courtney Spelling said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

That is an amazing cake. I would love to have that cake on my wedding day. I will start looking bridal shops in las vegas for my wedding and show them this cake. I am excited. Thanks for sharing.

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I like writing like this. very good and easy to understand.

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BBW Fayetteville said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I love how much effort you put into making such a detailed and impressive groom figurine.

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