Monday, August 22, 2011

Wedding Candy Buffet

You might be wondering why I took a break from posting wedding details, and why all of a sudden I’m back to posting some of the details. Well there can only be ONE reason for this! I finally received all of the professional wedding pictures!! And, I also figured you might have been “over” the whole wedding thing, so I was giving you an excitement break as well!

So for one of my FAVORTIE wedding details! I present The Candy Buffet!

IMG_9008This wedding detail did and did not take a lot of time to create. What do I mean? Well it took me forever to decide what to make the candy buffet out of! I have seen really really beautiful candy buffets made out of glass vases, and different antique ceramic bowls, BUT remember my buffet had to travel via airplane, and lets be honest, baggage handlers are NOT the friendliest people with our stuff. I couldn’t afford to have one or all of the vessels break, and as well the glass and ceramic is very heavy! Being a beach wedding I wanted the buffet to be fun, but I didn’t want to use plastic, my options were looking slim. But what do you know, as my poor ol’ mom and I are picking our brains and stumbling around our 3rd Michael's Craft store of the weekend we found these great looking vintage buckets!

IMG_8927Of course with my luck, there would not be enough of these buckets for our entire candy buffet at the one Michael's store, so off we went around town to scavenge up 7 buckets and one odd bucket for the center!

To make these buckets food safe I bought cling wrap and covered the inside liner that came with the pail. IMG_8935Then to fancy them up I used the same specialty paper that I pulled from another wedding detail (yet to be reviewed), to create a candy plaque. Also I used the same ribbon on the buckets that was used on my garter!



Each bucket had a “plaque” on the front that highlighted a candy that had something to do with our relationship or something from our past. There were 8 buckets in total and here’s what they said:

“Because some people get lost on a bike ride”- One of the first times The Boss and I hung out, we were supposed to go for a 5 mile ride, we got lost and rode over 50! With only a few dollars between us we could only afford to buy one Gatorade and a small package of gummy peach rings!

“Gone Fishing”- Growing up when ever my soccer schedule became overwhelming my Dad would whisk me away for a fishing trip! Gummy worms only seemed right.

“A Ski Trip Tradition”- The Boss’s family was a big ski racing family and Twizzlers licorice was their go to!

“A cool Sara Sota treat”- Growing up my family spent a lot of our summers on the beach in Florida. Mini York Peppermint Patties were a staple on the beach!

“A movie theater must”- The Boss and I love heading to the movies, and one of our favorite treats is peanut M&M’s.

“A late night Thesis snack”- When I would spend hours upon hours in the library working on my thesis paper, gummy bears were my weakness!

“An Italian Tradition” – Ray’s family has a lot of Italian roots; 7 Jordan Almonds were combined in lace bags to represent good luck.

“Can’t have a wedding without a tear Jerker”- Sour patch watermelon slices were the obvious choice!

“A New Family’s Tradition”- The Boss and I pretty much never travel on an airplane without a package of Swedish Fish on hand!


I also wanted to have a little “note” from the bride and groom for our guests to read while they are filling their bellies with sweets! So with a little imagination and a little “borrowing” of words from other candy buffet poems I came up with this…


Unfortunately, with all of the craziness and busyness of the day though little poem didn’t quite make it to the table. But no matter how the buffet was set up, the candy was demolished by the guests… there were no left overs! However I was bummed because when the table was set out it didn’t facilitate the picturesque set up that I had envisioned. None the less our photographers managed to get a few good shots!

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And that’s really all for the Candy Buffet! I hope you enjoyed it, and maybe gave you an idea to play with a candy buffet for your next coming event!


kaprian said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Totally remembering this idea -- so creative and fun (and hello, sweetness)!

Sandy said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Nice post which This wedding detail did and did not take a lot of time to create.But remember my buffet had to travel via airplane, and lets be honest, baggage handlers are NOT the friendliest people with our stuff. Thanks a lot for posting this article.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

iv been looking at candy buffet for ages (love it) what height are the pails buckets fancy doing this for ours

Stephie said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Nicce blog thanks for posting

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