Monday, January 23, 2012

Happy Birthday Sugar Cookies

As you might have read on Friday, I am currently traveling around Colorado visiting an on slot of friends who have recently moved out here! More excitingly, one of the girls who fall into this relocation category is celebrating her birthday today!

Happy Birthday Shortbread-3

Lauren is the birthday girl and is an awesome girl that I have been fortunate to meet through blogging and triathlon. She has also been a big supporter of my Bertie’s Bakery dream! What better way could I say thank you for your support and happy birthday than to dedicate a baked good to her on her big day!

And what big birthday might she be celebrating this year??

Happy Birthday Shortbread-4

Well, not all ladies like to tell their age, so I wasn’t about to do it for her! Instead, I came up with this question mark strategy! I thought it was super cute, but apparently others thought that she was pregnant! Yikes, maybe  next time I’ll save the question marks for baby showers where the parents don’t yet know the gender of the baby! My bad! Happy Birthday Shortbread-7

Happy Birthday Lauren, I hope you enjoy every last bite! For the rest of my readers, Happy Monday! I am sending you subliminal Monday cookies!

*** If you are interested in birthday (or baby) cookies like these for someone you know, contact me and maybe cookies will show up at your house too!***


Lauren said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

yay! in fact, i ate 2 cookies this morning :)

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

If you hadn't chosen a pink/blue color theme, I think the question marks wouldn't lead to, er, questions. On another note, frosted cookies are like crack to me.

Alli said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I think birthday/valentine's day combo cookies would be a great way to practice your awesome skills. And you're in luck, as I can totally fit that bill :) Hope you're having a great time with your friends!

Beth said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

haha, the question marks were definitely a bit misleading! Very cute idea for a baby shower though.

Karen said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Oh those are awesome! I love frosted sugar cookies and those are too cute!

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