Thursday, May 26, 2011

Championship Cherry Cupcakes!


I think you might remember that I mentioned that my sister did the job on her ankle the other night at a co-ed soccer game? That’s right, she went ahead and broke several bones and tore a few stability muscles in her ankle! Obviously that is going to suck for any adult (I wouldn’t say “anyone” because I swear some kids think it’s “Cool” to be in a cast!).  But who it really sucks for is a high school soccer coach who is supposed to be standing/teaching for long school hours and then turn around and coach in rain and thunder and lighting until 9:30pm! Yup all of that in a walking cast, and honestly she hasn’t really complained about it. She’s like the Energizer Bunny and just keeps on going!

Well, since she’s been doing a lot (and suffering a lot) for her high school soccer girls, I thought I should do something for both her and the team! Last night was the Single A District Championship to which her team pulled out a 2-1 win AND my sister was awarded District Coach of the year! Woohoo! So obviously I didn’t know any of this before making the cupcakes since I was bringing them to the game, and that is why you’ll notice there isn’t necessarily anything spectacular about the decorations on the cupcakes… I didn’t want to make “District Champs” plaques and then jinx them.

This was a last minute batch of cupcakes, so baking pictures are non-existent. Instead I thought I would showcase some mouth watering pictures of the cupcakes I never got to sample!! Here are my vanilla cupcakes with cherry flavored buttercream.


Photo credits go to The Boss

If you want the buttercream recipe you’ll have to stand by until next weekend to see how they did in the Regional Finals!!!

Till then..


Kevin said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

My birthday is coming up in 10 or so months. Do you do delivery?! Those look awesome :-)


Christi said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Yummy, those look great!

Congrats to your sister and team! I hope she heals quickly!

Molly said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Beautiful! Congrats to you sister!!!

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

So you have plates with "Bertie" on them! Is someone helping you create a stash for your future bakery? :-)

magi said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Nice blog.
Gorgeous blog. I liked it.
its excellent

Cooking Equipment

Laurie said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Your poor sister, that's rough... well except for the part about winning and being honored, that's awesome! Cupcakes look amazing and I love the cool plates.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Amazing work guv. I'm so stunned, it hurts. Definitely keen to see how it turns out!

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