Friday, March 9, 2012

Cookies, Cupcakes, and an MRI

Just in case you didn’t know… it’s Friday!! Again! Holy moly the time is flying by in these parts, and I feel like I have so much to tell you!

First, I’ve been working on my cookie decorating! I’m definitely more of a cake decorator, but I really love how creative you can be with cookies. Plus, I can mail them! It’s pretty hard to put a cake in a box and FedEx it to someone, this way if I have a friend that I want to send a “I’m thinking of you” card to, I can also include a sweet treat.

Cupcake Cookies-2

So I know the Cupcake Cookie isn’t super original, but I do think it’s super cute! I have many friends who “like” cupcakes, but are honestly more in it for the icing and would much prefer a cookie! I also have a few friends, two to be exact, who may or may not be guilty of buying canned icing and putting it on their warm, freshly baked cookies! So in reality, these cookies are dedicated to them! They know who they are :)

Next on the agenda is the winners of the Pin Wheel Cupcake Topper giveaway! As promised there are two winners, one randomly selected from the blog and another from Bertie’s Bakery Facebook.


The Facebook “Liker” who was randomly selected was:  FaceBook

Reem Paulus! You should totally check out her Facebook page as well, great work posted there!

And the Winner from my comments was:


Robin @ Bird on a cake! Her blog is also something else! Great work by this baker/blogger as well!

Lastly, here are a few things that grabbed my attention this week. Pretty sure you’ll like them too!

Irish Sweater

These cookies were posted by A Dozen Eggs Bake Shoppe, and while I think the shamrock and flag are cool, I beg to wonder why those sweaters are in the back??? LOOK at those sweater cookies! I’m wildly entertained and impressed by the idea and execution! Well done, well done!

Hunger Games

Next up is blogger Lizy B.I literally just booked my tickets to Florida with my sister the other day, and basically all we are going to do for a week is read, sun tan, read, sun tan, read… well you get the point. So where does Miss. Lizy B. come into all of this? I also just bought the whole lot of Hunger Games books on my kindle. I plan on reading them all in one beach vacation! These cookies blew me away! What great work, I love the painted symbols!

Lastly, but certainly not least:

Birthday Cake Brownies

“Good Lord” is what I said when I read the title of this blog. The District Chocoholic posted “Birthday Cake Brownies” and I knew I was in for it. If you haven’t checked out her blog, she is the chocolate diva! Seriously, she is a chocolate connoisseur and can tell you all about different kinds, and the chocolate shops in our area! Lots of good information found there!

Okay that’s it for now! Hope you have a great Friday! Most of mine will be spent at the hospital/ orthopedic specialist as I finally agreed to get an MRI/Arthrogram. More on that later :( Wish me luck! 


Victoria said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Aw thanks for the shout out! I hope the news that comes out of the MRI is good - hang in there.

Alli said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Awe shucks Bert, MRI is no fun way to spend friday. Finger's crossed it goes smoothly! I think the cupcake cookies are so cute! And you will LOVE the hunger games! Personally, book 3 felt rushed and wasn't as good as the other 2, but the first 2 books are so awesome that I didn't even care that much.

Christi said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I love, love, love cookies! And the ones you make look very awesome!

Good luck with your MRI! I am sending positive vibes your way!

Dawn said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I just stumbled on your blog! So glad I did! I have been wanting to ship some cookies. How do you ship yours?

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I'm so glad you commented on my blog so I could find yours! I've enjoyed reading a few posts on your site and I love it :) I hope your dream of opening a bakery comes true...I would visit!

Robin @ Bird On A Cake said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I love those Hunger Games cookies too! But I love the books even more! :0) I'm curious what beach you are headed to...Daytona?

Can't wait to get my cute pinwheel toppers!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Your cupcake cookies are very cute. Very nice decorating.

Liz said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Yikes... good luck with the MRI!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Your cupcakes look great...the cookie ones!! All your cupcakes are gorgeous....just realized that didn't sound so great....
Hope you are enjoying the book, thanks for featuring my cookies!!
And hope your test went okay...

Canterbury Cakes said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I love the cupcake cookies. As you know, I am veering off onto the cookie route & having a ball. They are such brilliant fun aren't they?!

warnham said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I watched your post and iam impressive thanks for sharing information.

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